Brownifer Bites: Cooking Challenge!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Cooking Challenge!

Tonight one of my friends was craving some good food and got carried away in the grocery store.  She wanted Brownie to make some of his yummy creations for her!  So since we had no plans, Brownie agreed to create from whatever she brought over.

She brought a LOT of food over as you can see!  The only rules were that he had to use every ingredient.  So like a kid on a playground, Brownie went to work.  We were up until 1am eating the amazing things he put in front of us, one after the other.  So stuffed - totally worth it!!!!

First, he put out pate and cheese with crackers for us to munch on, which was yummy.  Market of Choice has SUCH good pate and cheese!

His first creation:  Shrimp and Sardine Croquettes with Red Miso Sauce.  DIVINE!  I could have devoured hundreds of these!  Crunchy and flavorful on their own and that sauce....more please!  But there was so much more to come ....

Then we were served Steamed Muscles in a White Wine/Ginger Broth with Tomatoes and Garlic Toast points.  Soaking up that broth with the bread is one of my favorite things to do!  The flavor is just beautiful.  The muscles were fresh and had really nice flavor.  Living in Oregon does have its benefits!  We are blessed with so many different types of local seafood!

Next, he brought us Duck Liver Bruschetta with an Oyster Mushroom, Brown Butter Sage Saute.  These flavors were SO good together!  Rich and creamy and savory and that fresh sage .... ugh!  To die for!  If this doesn't inspire any one to go buy some duck liver, I don't know what would!  

I can't really say that I had a favorite last night, but this is certainly at the top of the list!  Next course was Pasta with Pate and Triple Cream Brie Sauce with Jalapeno Ginger Shrimp.  Be still my heart, this was incredible.  I never quite understand how these flavors work in his head, but Brownie always seems to dazzle my taste buds!  

Now, Brownie was certainly given some strange ingredients to use that really had to be used creatively.  The next dish did just that:  Kale and Almond Chip Crusted Shrimp with Ginger Jalapeno Triple Cream Brie dipping sauce ... see how he tied those two together and saved himself some time?  :-)  Very wise.  But these were so good, I really loved these little morsels.

Last, but certainly not least was the Grilled Lamb Chop, Roasted Brussel Sprouts with a Roasted Red Pepper and Horseradish Cream Sauce.  Oh my.  Life just doesn't get any better than this.  The lamb was cooked perfectly (as if the man could ruin meat) and the flavors were so delicious together.  A fine choice for a Grand Finale!

I have never been so full in all of my life, and still so eager to eat what is put in front of me next!  It was an awesome night showcasing his talents and creativity and he officially has another big fan now; my friend was blown away and so very impressed.  Challenge met!

Now .... I have to do the dishes....see you in a few days!

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